- 在细叶的颤栗中,我看见空气隐约地舞动着,在闪动在微光中,看见了天空秘密的心跳。
- In the thrill of little leaves , I see the air 's invisible dance , and in theor glimmering the secret heart beats of the sky .
- 白鼻综合症已经威胁到了濒危物种,例如第安纳州蝙蝠,他们体型小巧,有着可爱的粉红色鼻子,一般从此州的东北部飞到亚特兰大州的中部,还有弗吉尼亚州的大耳蝙蝠也遭受威胁。
- And white-nose syndrome could threaten already endangered species , such as indiana bats , tiny creatures with pink noses that flutter from the north-east to the mid-atlantic , and the big-eared bat , the official state bat of virginia .
- 相反,它会像树叶一样飞到地面。
- Instead , it would flutter to the ground , like a leaf .
- 尽管投资者也许不愿被称作“赌客”,但他们仍然喜欢小赌一把。
- And although investors may dislike being called gamblers , they still like a flutter .