- 第二个问题在于,基尔库克是否应该从伊拉克独立出去,成为北方库尔德人飞地的一部分。
- The second issue was whether kirkuk should secede from iraq and become part of the kurdish enclave in the north .
- 一位曾参观过jsocredoubt的高级反恐官员将其描述为不寻常的具有酌情决定权的秘密飞地。
- A senior counterterrorism official who visited the jsoc redoubt described it as an enclave of unusual secrecy and discretion .
- 寻求建立在亚美尼亚割让领土之上的解决方案,最终换来的可能是一次对这块飞地地位的全民公决。
- Finding a solution , based on armenia 's ceding of territory in exchange for an eventual referendum on the enclave 's status , is daunting .
- 这种转变是克里姆林宫的一个胜利,长期以来克里姆林宫强烈认为导弹防御系统的目的是瓦解其洲际弹道导弹;莫斯科曾警告说重新恢复冷战时期的军备竞赛,并威胁要在欧盟范围内的加里宁格勒飞地部署核导弹。
- The shift is a triumph for the kremlin , which has long and vehemently argued that the shield is aimed at neutralising its intercontinental missiles ; moscow had warned of a return to a cold war arms race , and threatened to deploy nuclear missiles in its kaliningrad exclave , surrounded by eu states .
- 此外,死谷国家公园还管理着奈县南部的一个外飞地(魔鬼洞)。
- In addition , there is an exclave ( devil 's hole ) in southern nye county administered by the park .
- 作为对该和解姿态的回应,莫斯科发出了消除威胁的信号,取消部署在欧盟范围内加里宁格勒飞地的短程导弹。
- Moscow responded to the conciliatory moves by signalling the cancellation of threats to deploy short-range missiles in its kaliningrad exclave , which sits within the eu .