- 所罗门吉尔斯听到这个消息,起初晕头转向,目瞪口呆;它像晴天霹雳般地打进了小小的后客厅,粗暴地破坏了炉边安宁的气氛。
- Solomon gills was at first stunned by the communication , which fell upon the little back-parlour like a thunderbolt , and tore up the hearth savagely .
- 为了避免更多的灾难,他被宙斯的一道雷电击死。
- He was killed by a thunderbolt from zeus to prevent further disaster .
- 听起来也许怪异但事实的确如此:这周英特尔一项名为“thunderbolt(雷电)”的传输技术,正在电脑硬件市场制造一场风暴。
- It 's geeky but true : an intel technology called " thunderbolt " is creating quite a storm in the computer and gadget worlds this week .