- 医生在做这样的手术前必须获经同意。
- Approval should be sough before doctors carry out such operations .
- 别出声,听听各人的意见,不要忙表态。
- Keep a calm sough ...... , hear every man 's counsel , and keep your own .
- 我有一些荷兰血统,但我很难想象星期天早上,我女儿和男朋友从床上爬起来发出的沙沙声,因为煎饼已经变凉了。
- I have some dutch ancestry , but I 'm having a hard time imagining trying to rustle my daughter and her boyfriend out of bed sunday morning because the pannekoeken are getting cold .
- bloom说:“看到树丛瑟瑟颤动,你就会认为那儿必定有人或者有什么东西。”
- " You see bushes rustle , you assume there 's somebody or something there , " bloom says .
- 喧嚣、香料的气味、织物沙沙作响、硬币的碰撞和刺耳的叽喳声,大象低沉的呼噜声,恶臭的食物和垃圾和动物,人类的新闻。
- The din , the smell of spice , the rustle of fabrics , the clink of coins and the creaking of scales , the muffled grunts of the elephants , the stench of the food and the waste and the animals , the press of humanity .
- 这些知情人士说,davidstar的另一名合伙人秦思新(音)是在内地遭到拘捕的几个人之一。
- Qin si xin , another partner of david star , is among those who have been detained in china , these people say .
- 他用我的笔认真地写下了宋朝诗人辛弃疾的一首词。
- With my pen , he carefully wrote out several dozen characters from a poem by the song dynasty poet xin qiji .
- 站在我旁边的,我今天的搭档,可爱的刘欣。
- Next to me , my co-host for today , the lovely liu xin .