- 松开分动箱上的减震器。
- Loosen damper on transfer box .
- 若是这个策略能对恐怖主义活动起到即使是小小的抑制作用,那么这种努力也就算是很值得的了。
- If the strategy puts even a small damper on terrorism , the effort will have been worthwhile .
- 操作员们认为仪表显示峰值只是因为电气故障,而巨响被认为是通风阻尼器所发出的声音,至少有一部分人这么认为。
- The spikes are believed to be caused by an electrical malfunction ; the thud is thought , at least by some , to be just a ventilator damper .
- 临汾的当地居民说,到了晚上,煤尘让他们几乎窒息。
- At linfen , residents have said they literally choke on coal dust in the evenings .
- 如果任其不受约束,它们的规模和速度可被用来窒息竞争。
- Their size and speed can , if left unchecked , be used to choke off competition .
- 但是,这笔交易表明,毒性一度使全球经济窒息的美国房地产业再度对投资者变得有吸引力起来。
- But the sale shows that american housing , once so toxic it made the global economy choke , is once again attractive to investors .