- 有些鸟颤声鸣唱。
- Some birds trill their songs .
- 我们听到了云雀那熟悉的啭鸣声。
- We heard the familiar trill of the lark .
- 发音素r时用抖动发出。
- Pronounce with a trill , of the phoneme r.
- 有些鸟颤声鸣唱。
- Some birds trill their songs .
- 我们听到了云雀那熟悉的啭鸣声。
- We heard the familiar trill of the lark .
- 发音素r时用抖动发出。
- Pronounce with a trill , of the phoneme r.
- 而这有可能一举动摇石油工业、汽车制造业和电力工业。
- That could shake up the oil , carmaking and electricity industries all in one go .
- 微软一向自命不凡,直到谷歌的到来,才撼动了其地位。
- Microsoft had largely grown complacent until google came along to shake up categories .
- 如果你怀疑这一点,不妨考虑一下上一个撼动世界的新兴超级大国的崛起。
- If you doubt it , consider the rise of the last emerging superpower to shake the world .
- 恍然间仿佛听到蔷薇的颤音。
- Rose suddenly seem to hear the tremolo .
- 轮指给人均匀的感觉,就象弦不断地发出纯净而闪烁的声音。
- The tremolo gives the impression of a sustained , shimmering note-a continuous thread of pure sound .
- 哈,跟自己的身体玩颤音吗?真感人哪!嘻嘻嘻!
- Hah , playing a tremolo with your own body ? That 's quite impressive ! Hehehe !
- 他发现自己想知道她对自己的命运是否有任何预感,他不说话的原因之一是担心他的声音发出异样的颤抖,有可能会引起她的怀疑。
- He found himself wondering whether she had any premonition of her fate , and one of his reasons for not speaking was the fear that a tremor in his voice might possibly arouse her suspicions .
- 举例来说,当你在海岸边发现潮水涨落不正常,或者感觉到任何持续超过30秒的震动,应当立即向内陆或是地势高的地方撤离。
- And to exemplify the principle , if you are close to the coast and see any unusual shoreline motions , or feel any tremor that lasts more than 30 seconds , evacuate inland or to high ground .
- 它采用vivitouch技术给游戏者带来真实的触觉反馈,让他们感受到游戏中的每一次震颤和每一次爆炸,该产品还可传达出诸如心跳这样更细微的感觉,人造肌肉公司的马库斯罗森塔尔marcusrosenthal说。
- It uses a technology called vivitouch which is designed to provide gamers with realistic tactile feedback , letting them feel every tremor and explosion in a game or conveying more subtle sensations , like a heartbeat , says marcus rosenthal of artificial muscle .