- 人们报告说更多的婚姻满意度是在中年,此时伴随着孩子长大成人离开家庭后的一种极乐中的碰撞。
- People report more marital satisfaction in midlife , with a bump in bliss as the children grow up and leave home , levenson said .
- 因表面的严格而引起的碰撞大受欢迎,但毫无疑问激烈的反对将持续的更长久。
- The backlash will surely last longer than any bump in popularity gained by looking tough .
- 不用在潮湿的鸡尾酒餐巾纸上写下你的号码,智能手机用户可以使用bump,一个可以让你轻松的通过碰一下彼此的手机就能交换号码的应用程序。
- Instead of scribbling digits on a soggy cocktail napkin , smartphone owners can use bump , a mobile app that lets you exchange contact information easily by bumping two phones together .
- 它寄希望于,把钱放到人们口袋里会导致更多的消费着花钱,然后给经济一个积极的震荡。
- 1 It was hoped that putting money in people 's pockets would lead to more consumer spending and thus give the economy a positive jolt .
- 飞机着陆时颠了一下。
- The plane landed with a jolt .
- 与第一轮相比,另一轮量化宽松策略很可能对私有消费造成小得多的动摇效果。
- Another round of quantitative easing is likely to deliver far less of a jolt to private spending than the first effort .
- 把产品画册,垃圾邮件,读书俱乐部的通知扔到垃圾桶里去。
- Toss catalogs , junk mail , and book club notices in the trash .
- 无疑,这很疯狂,而且cern不应该也不会把自己的投资押一个抛硬币的行为上。
- Sure , it 's crazy , and cern should not and is not about to mortgage its investment to a coin toss .
- 你有理由怀疑从这项研究中得能出什么结论,即便莱维特和李斯特确实吸引到了足够多的人参与抛硬币并按照所得结果行事。
- You might reasonably wonder what could be learnt , even if levitt and list do get enough people to toss the coin and follow through .
- 但在现实中,我正在打和尖叫了。
- But in reality , I was thrashing and screaming out .
- 阿森纳和切尔西正在反复研究一笔交易。
- Arsenal and chelsea are thrashing out a deal at the moment .
- 我很好奇为什么会有这么多的外国人对讨伐一个印度艳星感兴趣!
- I wonder why so many foreigners are interested in thrashing an indian pornstar !