- 但是,该集团总裁托尼海沃德表示,bp仍然一如既往坚定地探索新能源,非石油部门将受益于因搬回到集团内部而受到的额外关注。
- But tony hayward , the group 's chief executive , said bp remained as committed as ever to exploring new energy sources and the non-oil division would benefit from the extra focus of being brought back in house .
- 许多能源部长、石油公司首席执行官和一些政府官员出席了这次匆忙召集的会议,但基本上未能就任何议题达成一致,主办国沙特阿拉伯日增产20万桶的提议也几乎毫无成效。
- The dozens of energy ministers , oil company chief executives and handfuls of government officials who assembled at the hastily-called meeting managed to agree on very little , while the offer of an extra 2 00000 b / d from their host also achieved next to nothing .
- itzerland'ssyngenta的首席执行官michaelmack认为农民们不得不为这些新特性支付更多。
- Michael mack , chief executive of itzerland 's syngenta , reckons that farmers will pay extra for these new features .