- 玻璃碴洒向我的脖子。
- Glass shards pepper my neck .
- 他颈部中枪并向士兵解释说他刚逃过一场大屠杀的劫难。
- He had been shot in the neck and explained that he had just escaped a massacre .
- 我把她转到我们医院,给她做了个颈部固定手术。
- I had her transferred to my hospital , where surgeons operated to stabilise her neck .
- 过程开始于医生从一名女性的宫颈处取得一份细胞样本。
- The process begins with a doctor collecting a sample of cells from a woman 's cervix .
- 子宫镜检查是指医生通过阴道和子宫颈插入一根轻薄的管子进入到你的子宫。
- In this procedure , your doctor inserts a thin , lighted tube through your vagina and cervix into your uterus .
- 一种改进的方法是放一个可以持续释放几个星期药物的柔软的环在子宫颈上。
- One improvement could be flexible rings that sit at the neck of the cervix and release microbicidal drugs for several weeks .