- 为了午餐而进行一场野外旅行。
- Take a field trip for lunch .
- 该领域必须进行根本性变革。
- The field must be revamped fundamentally .
- 神经科学是一个派别林立的领域。
- Neuroscience is a splintered field .
- 如果客户没有注册任何域名,那么保证金将全部返还。
- If no domain is registered , the money is refunded in full .
- 那在美国,什么进入了公共领域呢?
- What is entering the public domain in the united states ?
- 但是按理最重要的改革应该是公共领域的豁免。
- But arguably the most important reform would be a public domain exemption .
- 格林纳达作为联邦领土,女王伊丽莎白二世被认为是格林那达的女王。
- Being a commonwealth realm , queen elizabeth ii is recognised as queen of grenada .
- 很多山寨公司开始超越拷贝的局限,而进入了自主研发的王国。
- Many shanzhai companies have begun to move beyond mere copying and into the realm of creativity .
- 公共领域正在着魔,有人死亡了。
- The public realm goes potty and people die .
- 因此大气层只不外是一个球体。
- Therefore , the atmosphere is merely a sphere .
- 一个研究发现,原子的基本微粒几乎是一个近乎完美的球体。
- The elementary particles of atoms are almost a perfect sphere , a study has found .
- 如果你测试了例子并且点击接近于球体的地方你会发现它并不是非常精确。
- If you try the example and click near the sphere you can see that it isn 't very accurate .