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- 令人对这宗发债更加担忧的是,一些债券交易员称,汇金曾责令自己计划重组资本结构的那些银行大举认购此次发债。
- Adding to concerns over the bond sale were reports from bond traders that huijin had ordered the very banks it plans to recapitalise to subscribe heavily to the bond issue .
- 通用显然有足够的生存能力,更重要的是,规模足够庞大在标准普尔500指数成分股公司中,规模大概排在第35位因此,即便在11月份的预期发售日前全球经济降温,各基金管理公司也会认购其股票。
- Gm clearly is viable enough and , more to the point , big enough set to be around the 35th largest company in the s & p 500 that fund managers will subscribe even if the global economy cools before the expected offering date in november .