- lindstrom是一位市场顾问和brandwashed的作者。
- Lindstrom is a marketing consultant and the author of brandwashed .
- 她应该做一名独立的自由职业者或顾问。
- She should work independently as a freelancer or consultant .
- 卡斯崔奥塔会继续担任设计主管顾问。
- Castriota will remain as consultant design leader .
- 企业要解雇it顾问的话会犹豫再三。
- Companies might hesitate before sacking an it adviser .
- 当时财政大臣最亲密的顾问就是鲍尔斯。
- The then chancellor 's closest adviser was mr balls .
- 本文作者是美国前总统卡特的国家安全顾问。
- The writer was president carter 's national security adviser .