- 即使惩罚更加严厉,他依然非常顽固。
- Punishments became more severe , he remained stubborn .
- 她一定很爱他,或者她只是特别固执。
- She must love him , or she 's just plain stubborn .
- 有部分仅仅因为我是一个顽固的男性。
- Part of that is just me being a stubborn male .
- 它们固执地拒绝把资产泡沫当回事,并顽固地执着于为定义狭窄的通胀指数设定的短期目标。
- There was the obstinate refusal to take asset bubbles seriously and the wrongheaded preoccupation with short-term targets for narrowly defined inflation indices .
- 首席执行官史蒂夫乔布斯(stevejobs)谈起上网本时颇为不屑,并且固执至极。
- Steve jobs , its chief executive , talks disdainfully about netbooks and is nothing if not obstinate .
- 射手座人的缺点是太过于固执且通常难以改变。
- One of the demerits of this sign is that they are by far an obstinate sign and generally difficult to mould .
- 她是个任性的孩子,常常惹麻烦。
- She was a headstrong child , always getting into trouble .
- 与刚愎自用的瓦茨拉夫克劳斯总统同派的捷克共和国集权联盟未能得到大多是的投票。
- The czech republic 's centre-right coalition lost its majority in march amid a row with the headstrong president , vaclav klaus .
- 她任性得无要救药,老是同周围的人闹别扭。
- She 's hopelessly headstrong ; she always gets up against people around her .