- 打败它们后你会得到关键目布兰格冠军证书balgachampioncertificate连同新标题.
- After defeating them , you will obtain a key item balga champion certificate along with a new title .
- 房租通常是每个人的一项大支出项目。
- Rent is usually the biggest item on everyone 's budget .
- 现在威胁世界和平的名单上又多加了一条:食品。
- Add another item to the list of threats to world peace : food .
- 感谢你阅读我的文章。
- Thank you for reading my article .
- 在这篇文章你将得到答案。
- Find out in this article .
- 这篇文章值得仔细研究。
- Eg. the article deserves careful study .
- 每个事件都各不相同。
- Each event is quite different .
- 事件是自由选择出来的。
- The event is freely chosen .
- 他的父亲则亲历三位女同胞为美国赢得首块金牌都是一个项目,击剑。
- His father saw three women win america 's first medals all in one event , fencing .
- 托洛法官还认为doma违反了宪法的平等保护条款。
- Tauro also concluded that doma violates the constitution 's equal protection clause .
- 还有一个条款的子句甚至还要求国家能保持物价的稳定。
- One clause even calls for the state to maintain price stability .
- 但是对于早期公司来说,这个条款没有多大意义。
- But for an early-stage company , this clause does mean much .