Luckily , sam died first so the family wasn 't forced to make that long drive to the vet .
Though it does not usually vet big contracts , technology and telecoms assets are considered especially sensitive .
Huawei and zte have proposed a similar approach in america , working with outfits such as electronic warfare associates and other private firms that vet high-tech gear for the us government .
Financial services companies vet permanent employees to satisfy the regulators , according to mr whittington , and some vet temporary and contract staff too .
That vet can evaluate his dog 's body language to determine whether he is being hypervigilant or there really is a danger .
That 's the first time ( correct me if I 'm wrong ) that we 've heard danny refer to being an iraq war vet .
Dell 's board has set up a special committee of independent directors with their own legal and financial advisers to vet the buy-out proposal in order to address such concerns .
Both agencies credit federal programs targeting this population for minimizing the growth of the homeless vet population , especially in light of an economic downturn .
While the lorry may go some way to solving the swedish mystery , vet officers have pointed out that many of the birds were not run over .
Their daughter , rhoda , by contrast , is a hard-working vet who cares for animals better than many of the characters care for their friends and families .