- 有一天,一个女裁缝坐在河边干活时,不小心把顶针掉进了河里。
- One day , when a seamstress was sewing while sitting close to a river , her thimble fell into the river .
- 思嘉看见他手里拿的是爱伦的金顶针。
- Scarlett saw it was ellen 's gold thimble that he held .
- 这有点像玩视觉版“丢手绢”游戏。
- It is a bit like playing a visual version of hunt the thimble .
- 他用鸭子(本地采购的鸭子)将冷却后的鸡包起来,用一个别针固定在一起。
- He wraps the duck - bought locally - around the chicken and holds it together with a pin .
- 他还击败了查尔斯罗利(charlesrowley),后者在同年10月12日拿到了安全别针的英国专利。
- And he beat charles rowley , who got a british patent for a safety pin on oct. 12 that year .
- 纽约现代艺术博物馆还存有1849年亨特的安全别针。
- New york 's museum of modern art has an 1849 hunt safety pin in its collection .
- 事实上,在赠送戒指的历史中,红宝石,克拉达戒指甚至顶针(是的,你听到的就是我们)都是很受欢迎的选择。
- In fact , rubies , claddagh rings , and even thimbles ( yep , you heard us ) were popular choices at periods during the history of giving this ring .