- 没有什么比婚礼更美的了。
- There is nothing more beautiful than a wedding .
- 谁是世界上最美的女人?
- Who is the world 's most beautiful woman ?
- 那是一个美丽的下午。
- That was a beautiful afternoon .
- 你不在香港?那谁给我照顾小龙?
- You 're not in hong kong ? Then who 's looking after siu lung ?
- 有没有对小敏说过?
- Have you said it with siu min ?
- 今天是替小敏庆祝生日!
- Today is siu min 's birthday !
- 但bradley也承认,有时正是一些法律上的原因使得研究者为之三思。
- Bradley concedes that there are sometimes legitimate reasons for researchers to think twice about being so open .
- 他将咨询各方顾问,包括英国前任驻香港总领事斯蒂芬布拉德利(stephenbradley)。
- He will consult advisers that include stephen bradley , the former uk consul general in hong kong .
- 今年2月,四位曾在摩根士丹利担任董事总经理的投行业者开办了自己的公司deanbradleyosbornepartnersllc。
- Four former morgan stanley bankers who were managing directors started their own firm , dean bradley osborne partners llc , in february .