- 海洋的状态总是在变化,其潮汐遵循着一定的节律,但其本质不变。
- Its moods pass . Its tides keep to a rhythm . It is unchanging .
- 这允许我们身体内的生物钟,叫做生理节律,帮助我们启动和维持我们的睡眠。
- This allows our body 's natural clock , called a circadian rhythm , to help initiate and maintain our sleep .
- 如果你对尝试人际与社会节律疗法感兴趣,在下一次复诊时,咨询你的精神科医师或心理咨询师。
- If you are interested in trying interpersonal and social rhythm therapy , ask your psychiatrist or psychologist about it on your next visit .