- 这一语气的变化十分明显。
- The change of tone was stark .
- 德克斯的语调里有一种试探,又或者是奚落。
- There was a test in dex 's tone , maybe a taunt .
- 她说,她同时为他随意的语调感到吃惊。
- She said she was , however , surprised by his informal tone .
- 每位女性的平均音调都通过她的声音录制进行衡量。
- Each woman 's average voice pitch was measured across her vocal recording .
- 全球化的拥护者有时只是需要更好的“推销”技巧。
- Sometimes the defenders of globalisation just need a better sales pitch .
- 但是这些频率之间有着特殊的谐波关系,这就是为什么你只会听到只有单一音调的一个声音。
- But the frequencies have a special harmonic relationship , which is why you hear it as a single sound with a single pitch .
- 那些家伙在写下你最喜欢的曲子时在想些什么呢?
- What was the artist thinking when writing your favorite tune ?
- 谱首歌曲为他们在窗外歌唱---即使你拿不准调。
- Compose a song and serenade them even if you can 't carry a tune .
- 要合调我在it部门工作,这是一个男性主导的环境。
- In tune I work in it in a male-dominated environment .
- 按照那古老的程度和音调。
- According to the time-honored scale and tonality .
- 文本信息中没有能让交流更加有趣的音调、肢体语言和微妙暗示。
- Text removes the tonality , body language and subtle cues that make a conversation interesting .
- 要想知道某个特定叹息来自这个频谱何处,就必须考虑眼下的情境,叹息的音调,和叹息者伴随着叹息的肢体语言。
- To tell where on this spectrum a particular sigh comes from , one must be keyed into the situation at hand , the sigh tonality , and the sigher 's body language that accompanies the sigh .