- 德保罗说,男人会为了抬高自己或为了掩盖真相而撒谎。
- Men lie to build themselves up or to conceal something , depaulo says .
- 许多人选择在网络世界隐藏或改变自己的身份。
- Many people choose to conceal or alter their identity online .
- 但是色情电影的观众可以隐藏他/她的色情享乐。
- But the porn viewer can conceal his / her enjoyment of pornography .
- 可这些必须加以掩盖的缺点究竟是哪些,她却无从知晓。
- Yet what it was that she must cover up she never knew .
- 等等的原因,都只不过是为了掩盖情绪化进食这个问题罢了。
- Etc were merely excuses to cover up my emotional eating issues .
- 修片滤镜的使用应该谨慎,用以突出拍摄对象,而不应像邦迪创可贴(band-aid)那样被用来掩饰瑕疵。
- Filters should be used sparingly to accent something not as a band-aid to cover up imperfections .
- 我就藏到树后面去。
- I 'll hide behind a tree .
- 大多数人也许没什么事可隐藏的。
- Most people may not have much to hide .
- 你把自己的天赋藏得这么好。
- You hide your genius so well .
- 后来我采取了玛丽的建议。
- Then I took mary 's advice .
- 玛丽的父母在一家饭店工作。
- Mary 's parents work in a restaurant .
- 玛丽本来不必去做那件事。
- Mary need not have done it .