- 利比亚领导人穆阿迈尔卡扎菲(moammargadhafi)曾送给他一个彩色骆驼鞍。
- Libya 's col. moammar gadhafi gave mr. zhivkov a multicolored camel saddle .
- 但我一直渴望再度跨上马鞍。
- But I had been itching to get back in the saddle again .
- 2005年,麦当娜在她47岁的庆生活动中从马鞍中滑落,弄断了自己三根肋骨,一只手和一根锁骨。
- In 2005 , madonna broke three ribs , a hand and a collarbone after she slipped from a saddle during her 47th birthday celebrations .
- 喂,你们怎么向一个聋子推销鸡呢?
- Hey , how do you sella chicken to a deaf man ?
- 保险公司norwichunion在9月把自己的主要地产基金估值调低了2-3%,头号地产集团britishland,也放弃了在北英格兰城市sheffield出售商业中心的计划。
- Norwich union , an insurance company , downgraded the valuation of one of its main property funds by 2-3 % inseptember , while british land , a leading property group , abandoned plans to sella shopping centre in sheffield in northern england .
- 他们必须在几乎没有需求的地方出售产品:说服别人接受对基督教教义的另类解读,教导人们耶稣曾在复活后造访美国,伊甸园也许曾在密苏里,而饮酒是一种罪孽。
- They must sella product for which there is almost no demand : an idiosyncratic version of christianity that teachesthat christ made a post-resurrection visit to the united states , that thegarden of eden may have been in missouri and that drinking alcohol is a sin .