- 他甚至可能通过取消财富税来平息提高收入税上限所产生的不平。
- He may even abolish the wealth tax in return for lifting the cap on income taxes .
- 即使政府不废止硬币,市场自发的解决方案也会出现。
- Even when governments do not abolish coins , a market solution may emerge .
- 他因为种族优先政策进了耶鲁,现在却要废止此项政策。
- He got into yale because of racial preferences , but now wants to abolish them .
- 她疯了似的想快速涂写支票,想赶快摆脱他。
- She had a mad urge to write a check and get rid of him .
- 让那些你喜欢的事情丰富你的生活,然后摆脱其他的一切事情。
- Fill your life with things you love and get rid of almost everything else .
- 饮食和锻炼神话#1:仰卧起坐将使你摆脱腹部脂肪。
- Diet and exercise myth # 1 : crunches will get rid of your belly fat .
- 校长可能要把那个男孩从学校开除。
- The headmaster may expel the boy from the school .
- 全国民主联盟现在不得不把她和其他囚犯开除。
- Her party now has to expel her and other detainees .
- 学校开除那些给其他人造成威胁的学生是正确的。
- Schools are right to expel students who pose a threat to others .
- 根据法国的法律很难解雇工人。
- French laws make it hard to dismiss workers .
- 随意解雇、拖欠工资的现象仍很普遍。
- Random dismiss and wage arrears phenomenon is prevalent .
- 政府修建了很多新学校,但是却连最差的老师都不能解雇。
- Governments have built many new schools , but cannot dismiss even the worst teachers .