- 我们需要处理选举改革与议会改革的问题。
- We need to address electoral reform and reform of parliament .
- 建立税务代理制度,对发展社会主义市场经济、转换税务机关的行政职能、保证税收征收管理法的顺利实施、巩固改革开放及税制改革的成果都是十分必要的。
- Therefore , it is necessary for us to establish the correspondency system of tax affairs in order to develop socialist market economy , transform administrative function of tax authorities , guarantee the successful implementation of tax collection administration , and consolidate the fruits of reform and opening-up policy and tax reform .
- 探讨新医改背景下我国医药卫生信息化建设状况,描述新医改和卫生信息化建设的相互关系,在此基础上分析我国卫生信息化建设面临的困难以及在新医改背景下的发展前景。
- The paper explores medical health information construction under medical reform in china , explicates the relationship between new medical reform and health information construction , and analyzes the difficulties in china health information construction and the prospects of it under new medical reform .