- 生活在澳大利亚海域的螳螂虾能够辨别不同形式的光线,并构成复杂而生动的3d图像。图片来源:pa
- Mantis shrimps , found in australia , can distinguish between different forms of light to give a sophisticated and vivid 3d image photo : pa
- 作为海洋生物普查的一部分,过去八年中海洋生物学家们在这片海域发现了超过500中螃蟹、虾、龙虾等十足类动物。
- Marine biologists exploring this coastline over the last eight years as part of the census of marine life have found more than 500 species of crabs , shrimps , lobsters , and other decapoda .
- 现在,其中一个盒子已经有了43只深海虾入住。
- At the moment , one of the boxes is inhabited by 43 deep-sea shrimps .