- 这电影中充满了青翠山,舞会礼服,汹涌的管弦音乐。
- The movie was heavy on verdant hillsides , ballroom gowns , and surging orchestral music .
- 现在,在宁静的傍晚,我们来到了小山顶上,山下,欧盟和德国国旗在葱郁的田野上飘扬,两座鬼气森森的望塔相对而立,相距不超过70码。
- Now , in the tranquillity of the early evening , we emerged at the top of the hill onto a verdant field adorned with european union and german flags - and two sinister-looking structures that faced off against each other no more than 70 yards apart .
- 青翠的群山从河谷的北部和南部绵延开来,山间点缀着牧场、果园、公园以及高大的树木。
- Verdant hills rise from the river valley in both the north and south , covered with a patchwork of fields , orchards , parks , and stands of trees .