- 走进“苹果之乡”庆城县赤城乡,沉甸甸的苹果压弯了枝头,红彤彤的色彩让人眼馋,脆生生的香甜沁人心脾,用地名注册的“赤诚”牌苹果熟了。
- Into the " apple town " - qingcheng county rural red , apple bending the branches heavy , bright red color make people envious , cuisheng raw sweet refreshing , with names registered " sincere " brand apples ripen .
- 片中邪恶的孔雀大反派沈王爷,其华丽的武打动作则源于zibach在青城上上看到的一位功夫大使灵活和炫目的动作。
- The movements of lord shen , the evil peacock villain , are based on a particularly flexible and captivating kung fu master zibach observed at mt. qingcheng .