- 为了避免更多的灾难,他被宙斯的一道雷电击死。
- He was killed by a thunderbolt from zeus to prevent further disaster .
- 在《thunderbolt》里,你用手指让雷电划过天空的梦想会实现。
- On " thunderbolt , " your dreams of shooting lightning bolts out of your finger can come true .
- 听起来也许怪异但事实的确如此:这周英特尔一项名为“thunderbolt(雷电)”的传输技术,正在电脑硬件市场制造一场风暴。
- It 's geeky but true : an intel technology called " thunderbolt " is creating quite a storm in the computer and gadget worlds this week .
- 但是,在保持波罗的海国家稳定形象的努力中,汇率钉住机制的维护者可能在今年晚些时候制造出另一场排山倒海的经济风暴。
- But , in an effort to preserve the impression of stability in the baltics , the defenders of the peg risk creating the conditions for another almighty economic thunderclap later this year .