- 英国石油公司打破了自我监管的模式。
- Bp has broken the mould of self-regulation .
- 尽管存在人们熟知的一些问题,但半岛电视台英语频道最有可能打破这一模式。
- Despite its well-publicised problems , aje has the greatest potential to break the mould .
- 但是当前这场外交盛会---生物多样性公约大会(cbd),从两方面打破了这一传统模式。
- But the current diplomatic shindig , the convention on biological diversity ( cbd ) , breaks the mould on both counts .
- 不要食用发霉的食物。
- Do not eat moldy foods .
- 如果你吃下这些照片之一的任何一件发霉的东西,你可能会感到不适。
- You 'd probably feel sick if you ate something as moldy as anything in one of these photographs .
- 不管她是美若天仙还是看起来像个发霉的奶酪,两者都像是某人在你背上狠插一把刀一样。
- It doesn 't matter if she is drop dead beautiful or looks like moldy cheese ; either way feels like someone stuck a knife in your back .