- 他发现自己想知道她对自己的命运是否有任何预感,他不说话的原因之一是担心他的声音发出异样的颤抖,有可能会引起她的怀疑。
- He found himself wondering whether she had any premonition of her fate , and one of his reasons for not speaking was the fear that a tremor in his voice might possibly arouse her suspicions .
- 举例来说,当你在海岸边发现潮水涨落不正常,或者感觉到任何持续超过30秒的震动,应当立即向内陆或是地势高的地方撤离。
- And to exemplify the principle , if you are close to the coast and see any unusual shoreline motions , or feel any tremor that lasts more than 30 seconds , evacuate inland or to high ground .
- 它采用vivitouch技术给游戏者带来真实的触觉反馈,让他们感受到游戏中的每一次震颤和每一次爆炸,该产品还可传达出诸如心跳这样更细微的感觉,人造肌肉公司的马库斯罗森塔尔marcusrosenthal说。
- It uses a technology called vivitouch which is designed to provide gamers with realistic tactile feedback , letting them feel every tremor and explosion in a game or conveying more subtle sensations , like a heartbeat , says marcus rosenthal of artificial muscle .
- 当我站在美洲瀑布的悬崖边上,感受着空气的震动和大地的颤抖,我激动的心情是难以用语言描述的。
- It is difficult to describe my emotions when I stood on the point which overhangs the american falls and felt the air vibrate and the earth tremble .
- 我看到这景象时,感受到的就是这种程度的颤栗。
- And I felt just this tremble when I saw this scene .
- 而在其他地方,他似乎挺满意手上轻微的颤抖和晃动。
- In other places it seems he enjoyed the slight tremble and wander of his hand .
- 树叶儿在丝丝微风中颤动。
- The tree leaves quiver in the slightest breeze .
- 虽然为同一曲调颤动。
- Though they quiver with the same music .
- 你颤抖如大海鱼。
- You quiver like a sea fish .