- 曼谷各地仍有零星暴力事件发生,据称数人因此受伤。
- Sporadic fighting occured throughout bangkok , with some injuries reported .
- 更加零星的游行示威的强化才激起了政府的关注。
- It is the hardening of more sporadic protests that has prompted greater concern .
- 我们与欧洲的合作一直是零星的,有时还带有不屑的意味。
- Our engagement with europe has been sporadic and sometimes dismissive .
- 床单上到处散落着新鲜香烟,那是游客出于崇敬扔在上面的。
- Fresh cigarettes lie scattered atop the sheets , tossed there by tourists as a sign of reverence .
- 然而,这种散射光极其微弱,因此只产生一个非常弱的信号。
- However , the scattered light is extremely weak and therefore yields a very low signal .
- 拉曼光谱的工作原理是使用一束激光照射到原子上,然后收集并分析产生的散射光的波长和密度。
- Raman spectroscopy works by shining a laser light onto a molecule and then collecting and analysing the wavelength and intensity of the resulting scattered light .
- 市场已经对零星的改革失去了信心。
- Markets are already losing confidence in piecemeal reform .
- 这是一种“零碎的、临时的”办法,他说。
- It was a " piecemeal , ad hoc " approach , he said .
- 布什政府理论上很欣赏此观点,也曾取得过一些虽然零碎但巨大的成功。
- The bush administration liked the idea in theory and had some big , if piecemeal , successes .
- papik有一些古怪的癖好。
- Papik had some odd habits .
- 莱文很快注意到一些古怪的现象。
- Levine immediately noticed something odd .
- 但是,这是个古怪的陈述。
- But that is an odd statement .