- 广泛的行为符合以上描述,包括切割、燃烧和雕刻自己的皮肤来破坏身体,防止伤口愈合和在身体内钉上钉和针。
- A wide range of behaviors fit this description , including cutting , burning and carving of the skin to breaking bones , preventing wound healing and sticking yourself with pins and needles .
- 经过很长时间的历史,砚台已早已不再是单纯的文具,而成为了集雕刻,绘画于一身的精美工艺品,成为文人墨客收藏的对象。
- Through the history of a long time , the inkstone has not been simply a stationery anymore , and has become an exquisite handicraft with carving and painting , a target who the men of scholars and literators need .
- 他们给新西兰带来了在歌舞,雕刻和编织方面有丰富内涵的波利尼西亚文化。
- They brought with them a polynesian culture rich in song , dance , carving and weaving .