- 女性的大脑才是不受激素影响的。
- Female is the default brain setting .
- 一只雌性灌丛蟋蟀正在享受老公送来的结婚礼物。
- A female alpine bush cricket enjoying a nuptial gift from her mate .
- 代议政治并非总是代表女性的自由。
- Representative politics here hasn 't always represented female freedoms .
- 如果你可以让母牛和老虎结合的话会怎么样?
- What if you could combine a cow and a tiger ?
- 奶牛造型的通用瓶盖,适用于绝大多数标准的塑料牛奶盅。
- Cow inspired universal cap fits most standard plastic milk jugs .
- 一个新闻记者曾经在文章中称我为“母牛”。
- A newspaper journalist once called me a " cow " in print .
- 准确的天气预报可以使农民放心播种,而不用担心种子被雨冲掉或被风吹走。
- Accurate forecasts can allow farmers to sow seeds without fear that they will be washed or blown away .
- 如果是从首都华盛顿下指示,告诉我们何时播种,何时收割,那么很快我们就会寻觅面包了。
- Were we directed from washington when to sow , and when to reap , we should soon want bread .
- 如果他们错了,他们可能令通货膨胀再度抬头,或为下一次金融危机播下种子。
- If they are wrong , they could kindle inflation or sow the seeds of another financial crisis .