- 为了筹集资金,船长贝休恩不惜卖掉自己的房子和财产。
- In order to raise funds , the captain bethune not hesitate to sell their houses and property .
- 即使是此前争相在亚洲开设办事处和筹集资金的私人股本公司,眼下似乎也安于等待时机,以备适时出手。
- Even private equity firms , which have rushed to open offices and raise funds in asia , appear content to bide their time and study opportunities , so they will be ready to pounce .
- 总统罗纳德里根宣布自由女神像暨埃利斯岛百年纪念委员会的创设因翻新雕像需要筹募资金,这次翻新是因为右手臂部分的不恰当的附着和强风对雕像造成的影响。
- President ronald reagan announced the creation of the statue of liberty-ellis island centennial commission to raise funds needed for restorations , the result of a study that found the right arm had been improperly attached and that the statue swayed substantially in strong winds .