- 但是本次投票至少使得多元论的一小点光芒挤进了缅甸极权主义的黑暗统治中。
- But the polls have at least allowed a tiny flicker of pluralist light into the murk of burmese totalitarianism .
- 库普钦思科先生是逃过极权主义在西方找到新家园的一代人的象征。
- Mr kupchinsky was emblematic of a generation that had escaped totalitarianism and found new homes in the west .
- 总之,我确信我在那里的亲身所见至少直接显示出在极权主义下确实是这样的。
- Nevertheless I 'm convinced that what I observed when I was there myself bears directly on conditions under totalitarianism .