- 雅罗育也以外长身分发布多道行政命令,并指定她的外交关系顾问雷朋为外交工作正式协调人。
- Arroyo also issued several administrative orders in the capacity of foreign secretary and appointed her foreign relations adviser rebong as the official coordinator in foreign affairs .
- 名家是一家专门为居家旅游、商务卡脖子、伴侣会议、公事小憩,驴友歇脚、访客会友供给短期间租赁营业的酒店式样公寓房。
- A person of academic or artistic distinction is negotiate technically to reside a travel , business affairs , friend party , official business is small rest , asinine friendly stop on the way for a rest , caller will be friendly the hotel type boarding house that provides the short-term professional work that rent .
- 毕业于普渡大学(purdueuniversity)、曾为财政部官员的布鲁克在会计巨头安永负责监管事务。
- A former treasury official and purdue university boilermaker , brooke oversees regulatory affairs for accounting giant ernst & young .