

redo 变化形式
第三人称单数: redoes
过去式: redid
过去分词: redone
现在分词: redoing
易混淆的单词: RedoREDO

redo 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- He says it 's pointless unless we redo the whole house .
- 他说除非整座房子重新布线。
- And I 'm just supposed to redo all the steps ?
- 那我就只能重新适应这些舞步?
- Area has been changed outside of this browser session . Please redo your last operation .
- 区域已在此浏览器会话之外被更改。请重新执行上一操作。
- Category has been changed outside of this browser session . Please redo your last operation .
- 类别已在此浏览器会话之外被更改。请重新执行上一操作。
- Do it right , or we have to redo it .
- 好好干,要不我们又要复工了。
- I 'll have to redo some of them .
- 我要重新缝合伤口.
- He only made you redo it twice ?
- 他只要你重写两次?
- 5 Great ways to redo your shoes
- 旧鞋大变身五招翻新你的鞋
- I 'm afraid we 'll have to scrap the plan and redo it completely .
- 我们恐怕得放弃这个计划然后全部重来。
- An undo or redo operation has occurred and the dom is read-only .
- 发生了撤消或恢复操作,并且dom为只读。