- 最简单的户型只有一个单间,在角落里有一个洗脸台,厕所在隔墙后面。
- The simplest consist of a single room with a sink in the corner and a toilet behind a partition .
- 在玻璃隔墙内有个人在打电话,你听不见他的声音,但却看见他难以理解的哑剧表演:你不禁好奇他为什么活着。
- A man is talking on the telephone behind a glass partition ; you cannot hear him , but you see his incomprehensible dumb show : you wonder why he is alive .
- 年轻一代的塞浦路斯人没有统一岛屿的记忆,“绿线”看起来更像是永久的分割线。
- Younger cypriots have no memory of a united island and the " green line " is coming to look like permanent partition .
- 有四个相互独立的银行管理机构。
- There are four separate banking regulators .
- 有两个独立的问题。
- There were two separate problems .
- oturakast包含不同的抽屉。
- Oturakast consist of separate drawers .
- 但是skype在未来会走向何方呢?
- But where does skype go next ?
- 未来会怎么样仍然是一个谜。
- What comes next remains a puzzle .
- 这是下届美国总统必须回答的问题。
- That is a question the next president must answer .
- 文本如何分段取决于所使用分割的等级。
- How a text is segmented depends on the level of segmentation used .
- 如果发现错误分割,必须对规则进行自定义。
- Customizing the rules may be necessary if you notice bad segmentation .
- 目前的研发版本已有新的用户界面,句子分割,和其它预期的功能。
- The current development version already has a new user interface , sentence segmentation , and other expected functionality .