- 王子微服旅行以避开人群及欢迎仪式。
- The prince traveled incognito to avoid crowds and ceremonies .
- 约夏贝尔在华盛顿麦德龙车站隐姓埋名地演奏,是由华盛顿邮报组织的,是关于洞察力、品味和人们优先次序的社会实验的一部分。
- Joshua bell , playing incognito in the d. c. metro station , was organized by the washington post as part of a social experiment about perception , taste and people 's priorities .
- 读者还可以浏览时报的网站“incognito”,他们的浏览器也不会保留任何浏览历史的痕迹。
- Users could also simply browse the times site " incognito , " so their browsers don 't keep any history .