- 发明了极具观赏性和艺术性的陶器。
- Highly ornamental and artistic pottery was created .
- 他们定居情况的依据被发现用于庆典的杂乱的刻有图案的陶器遗址中。
- Evidence of their settlement is found in the remains of intricately patterned pottery used for rituals .
- 她开始在公寓的门廊出售她的陶器以支付她在附近一个工作室的学习费用。
- She started selling pottery from the stoop of her apartment to pay for college classes at a studio nearby .
- 艾哈迈达巴德,印度:一个制陶工人整理陶盆以便在阳光下晒干。
- Ahmedabad , india : a potter arranges earthenware pots to dry in the sun
- 对众多的施瓦茨小便池讽刺之一是,他们精心设计的斯泰格茨照片为蓝本陶器雕塑“原始”。
- One of the many ironies of the schwarz urinals is that they are carefully crafted earthenware sculptures modelled on the stieglitz photo of the " original " .
- 生物炭是农作物废料、木材或其它生物质在简易窑(为限制氧存量而设计的窑)内经过加热而制成的一种炭。
- Biochar is a type of charcoal produced by heating crop wastes , wood or other biomass in a simple kiln designed to limit the presence of oxygen .
- 化学家用红外分光仪线发现化学线索,譬如像各个方解石矿物层独特的红外信号它们的信息可以帮助考古学家弄清楚哪些地方是地板,墙壁还是窑炉。
- Chemists use infrared spectrometers to uncover chemical clues such as the unique infrared signature of each calcite mineral layer -- information that helps archaeologists figure out whether they 're looking at a floor , wall or kiln .
- 巨人木拥有一种先进的技术可以把羟基族变成乙醯族(一种不同的分子组合),通过首次在窑炉里把木材烘干后,然后用乙酸酐的化学物质处理就可以实现。
- Titan wood has developed a technique for converting hydroxyl groups into acetyl groups ( a different combination of atoms ) by first drying the wood in a kiln and then treating it with a chemical called acetic anhydride .
- 蚂蚁和蚱蜢是快乐的。
- Ants and grasshoppers are happy .
- 整理过的磁盘是快乐的磁盘。
- A defragged drive is a happy drive .
- 这不是一件令人愉快的事。
- This was not a happy story .
- 我曾被告知,班亚是黑帮分子聚会之地,但这里唯一的暴力事情便是心满意足地打鼾。
- I had been told that thebanyawas where gangsters came to party but the only violent thing here was some contented snoring .
- 美国是否会同英国一样走上同样是心满意足的(是的,大部分时间如此),并拥有相当强的实力地位的道路呢?
- Could the united states go down the same track toward contented ( well , most of the time ) , pretty-good-power status ?
- 多数人会说,按照自己的意愿生活、做自己喜欢的事情,所得到的好处要胜过上述种种不利,并且会让人们对生活更有满足感。
- Most would say that the compensations of living life on your own terms , and doing what you love , outweigh the downsides , and make for a more contented existence .
- 建立和培养你的网络.
- Establish and cultivate your network .
- 培养感激的心情有很多方式。
- There are many ways to cultivate gratitude .
- 另外这是你培养的一种习惯。
- And it 's a habit you cultivate .
- 英国石油公司打破了自我监管的模式。
- Bp has broken the mould of self-regulation .
- 尽管存在人们熟知的一些问题,但半岛电视台英语频道最有可能打破这一模式。
- Despite its well-publicised problems , aje has the greatest potential to break the mould .
- 但是当前这场外交盛会---生物多样性公约大会(cbd),从两方面打破了这一传统模式。
- But the current diplomatic shindig , the convention on biological diversity ( cbd ) , breaks the mould on both counts .
- 如果是,为什么τ就更好呢?
- And if it is , why is tau better ?
- 实际上,正如经济学人图表所示,介子和τ介子在被人预测到存在前即被发现。
- Indeed , as our chart shows , the muon and the tau were discovered before anyone had predicted their existence .
- 他们甚至在6月28日在世界各地数学活动中庆祝“τ日”。
- Yesterday - 6 / 28 - they even celebrated tau day in math events worldwide .
- 我知道投标仅仅是对陶瓷阀门市场的一个开始。
- I know the bid is just the start of exploring ceramic valve market .
- 政治讨论进行到一半,陶瓷碗送了进来。
- Halfway through the political discussion , ceramic bowls were brought in .
- 由sharonamerlin设计的扁平陶瓷杯和托碟。
- Flattened ceramic cup and saucer designed by sharona merlin .