- 第二个危险是危机蔓延。
- A second risk is contagion .
- 自由记者面临着巨大的生命危险。
- Freelancers are at greatest risk .
- 我们已经了解了很多危险因素。
- We 've learned more about risk factors .
- 这不是某种遥远的风险。
- This is not some remote danger .
- 危机蔓延的风险是显而易见的。
- The danger of contagion is obvious .
- 这种持仓也存在相应的风险。
- Such holdings come with danger attached .
- 我们会在自我经历危险时离弃它。
- We forsake it at our own peril .
- 许多美国人将贸易视作危险事物,而非机遇。
- Many americans view trade as a peril rather than an opportunity .
- 但是投资者在冒险中忽略了对失败价值的衡量。
- But investors ignore fair-value measures at their peril .
- 这种信念推动了另一个冒险的做法。
- This belief is driving another risky bet .
- 他的策略很有危险性。
- His strategy is a risky one .
- 这是一个冒险的举动,但它得到了回报。
- It was a risky move , but it paid off .
- 该组织否认其有任何邪恶的意图。
- It denies any sinister intention .
- 这中间不存在任何险恶阴谋。
- There is nothing sinister in this .
- 但是市长的支持者却看到了一股更加险恶势力的酝酿。
- But the mayor 's supporters see a more sinister process at work .
- 恐怕安全险(平安险)对于这种性质的运输覆盖面太窄。
- I 'm afraid that fpa coverage is too narrow for a shipment of this nature .
- 水渍险和平安险是有些不同。
- There is some difference between wpa and fpa .
- 平安险与水渍险有什么不同呢?
- What 's the difference between fpa and wpa ?