- 房间和庭院打扫干净了吗?
- Are the house and yard tidy ?
- 终于把门前院子里的篱笆修剪了。
- Finally trimmed the hedges in our front yard .
- 估计收拾庭院的活儿开始让他吃不消了。
- I guess the yard work was starting to get to him .
- 杰克逊在院子里放了辆安保居住车。
- Jackson installed a security trailer in the courtyard .
- 他们吃完饭,走到阴云笼罩的院子里。
- They finished lunch and went outside into the overcast courtyard .
- 穿过院子,我们可以听到厄尼在排练他的演讲。
- Across the courtyard , we could hear ernie rehearsing his speech .
- 停车场差不多停满了车。
- The car park was nearly full .
- 艾米纳姆成长在拖车停车场。
- Eminem grew up on atrailer park .
- 他们从超市里一直调情到外面的停车场,直到警察出现。
- In the car park outside they continue their flirtation until the police show up .