- 所有这些都意味着公司可以收取过高的价格。
- All this means that firms can charge steep prices .
- 特别使人感兴趣的是地层所形成的陡峭角度。
- Of particular interest is the steep angle of the strata .
- 确保你的自行车有良好的刹车,因为这儿的山坡真的很陡。
- Make sure you have good brakes on your bike because mountain slopes are really steep here .
- 不过考虑到债券市场利率处于历史低位、住房市场依旧脆弱、大部分大宗商品价格急剧下挫,相对而言,投资股市可能算是明智之举了。
- But considering the rock-bottom interest rates in the bond market , the still-fragile nature of the housing market and the precipitous decline in most commodity prices , stocks may be comparatively the smart play .
- 但是,美元急剧下跌的风险包括外国债权人寻求从给美国提供的贷款中获得更大回报可能带来的恶性通货膨胀和利率上升明显存在,但可能不值得期待由此带来的对出口遥远而渺茫的刺激。
- But the risks of a precipitous dollar decline -- including runaway inflation and higher interest rates as foreign creditors seek greater returns for lending to the u.s. -- are clear and mightn 't be worth the hope of a distant , possibly slim , boost to exports .
- 向著陡峭山顶的攀登。
- A precipitous climb to the peak .
- 但是这次会议却被突然取消。
- But the meeting was abruptly canceled .
- 在意大利,什么事情一般都不会突然发生。
- In italy things seldom happen abruptly .
- 奥巴马突然打断了他。
- Obama abruptly cut him off .
- 甚至连g+每条信息标题都有蓝色链接。
- Even g + has blue links for post titles .
- 分享功能应该使用和g+一样的机制和架构。
- Sharing should utilize the same infrastructure and plumbing that g + does .
- 打个比方,a和c都代表0,g和t代表1。
- For instance , a and c might represent 0 , while g and t signify 1 .