- 一家药品公司将放弃初期研究。
- A drugs company will drop early-stage research .
- 只要在牛奶里加入一滴就行了。
- Just mix one drop of it with milk .
- 明年的增长可能会降低到1%以下。
- Growth could drop below 1 % next year .
- 它们必须降低国内需求。
- They must reduce domestic demand .
- 上周,财政部宣称将会削减至一次。
- Last week it said it would reduce these to one .
- 开源软件可以削减甚至消除对咨询顾问与技术支持的需求。
- Open-source software can reduce or eliminate the need for consultants and tech support .
- 随着价格提升,收益率下降。
- Yields fall as prices rise .
- 秋季是过敏多发季节。
- Allergies rage in the fall .
- 乔布斯先生那年秋天回到了雅达利。
- Mr. jobs returned to atari that fall .
- 消费支出下降是暂时的。
- Consumer spending was temporarily down .
- 但是崔西已经下来了。
- But trish was already down .
- 在显眼的地方写下来。
- Write it down somewhere visible .
- 失业率已从去年11月份的9.8%降了下来。
- The unemployment rate has come down from 9.8 % in november .
- 但全球电信的价值现在整体在下降。
- But telecoms valuations have come down across the board .
- 那是因为它能随机落下并且是两种等可能的状态。
- That is because it can come down randomly in one of two equally possible binary states .