- 乏味的确意味着兴趣狭窄。
- What boring does mean is narrow .
- 很多演讲者的领域很窄。
- Most speakers have a narrow range .
- 狭窄街道上的交通让人望而却步。
- Traffic on narrow streets is harrowing .
- 只要我们时时关注着宇宙,它就将一直让我们感到谦卑。
- The universe will continue to humble us , if we take the time to look .
- 无论是怎样谦卑的一本书,文森特的艺术总是强调它的珍贵。
- It didn 't matter how humble a book was , vincent 's art always stressed its preciousness .
- 在整个相声的发展历史当中,表演者多数出身卑微。
- Throughout cross talk 's history , performers have come from humble backgrounds .
- 我并不是故意要选择naturenetwork做为反例。
- I don 't mean to pick on nature network .
- 这一切意味着什么?
- What does this all mean ?
- 没有哪家公司的表现能够无限期地超出平均水平。
- No company can outperform the mean indefinitely .
- 新华社称法律界定的“低俗”并不明确,因为低俗本身的定义就很模糊。
- Xinhua said the law regarding " vulgar " materials was not as clear because the definition of vulgarity was vague .
- 他甚至还在电视上为他粗俗的大笑和平庸的品味道歉。
- He has even gone on television to apologise for his vulgar language and poor taste .
- 皮埃尔的写作层次多样,以粗俗居多,且行文艰涩。
- Mr pierre 's writing is many-layered , often vulgar and rarely lucid .
- 破坏性地震一般是浅源地震。
- Devastating earthquake is generally shallow earthquake .
- 我是不是肤浅、贪心,像个机会主义者?
- Am I shallow , greedy and opportunist ?
- 患舞台着魔症的年轻人是更为柔弱、更为肤浅的品种。
- The stage-struck youth is of a softer and more shallow sort .