- 附近农夫拒绝发表任何评论。
- Farmers nearby declined to comment .
- 农民被枪指着卖了农场,逃到附近的城镇。
- Pressed at gunpoint to sell , the farmers fled to nearby towns .
- 目前,这些来自农场的废水通常直接排入附近的池塘。
- Now , waste from these farms is often just pumped into nearby pits .
- 在设置了动态显示牌的校区附近,驾驶员们的行车速度平均降低了14%。
- In the vicinity of the schools where the dynamic displays were installed drivers slowed an average of 14 percent .
- 确实,戴上一对兔子耳朵是一件让邻近的人想当然露出笑容的必备品。
- Actually , a pair of rabbit ears is the one accessory guaranteed to draw a smile from anyone in the vicinity .
- 由于风势助长,桑迪到来的时候,纽约邻近城市都预报有超过10英尺的海浪。
- With the winds and so on , this is where the forecast of more than 10 feet in the vicinity of new york city is coming from .
- 这是一项由印度,德里和邻边政府共同支持的公共工程。
- It is a public project backed by the governments of india , delhi and the neighbouring state .
- 可能目前更大的担忧并不是艾雅法拉火山,而是附近的卡特拉火山也很可能有喷发的危险。
- Perhaps even more worrying than that is the risk that the neighbouring katla volcano might erupt too .
- 但是14名民主党人士已经逃至邻州伊利诺伊州的水上公园,不在威斯康辛州的权利范围之内。
- But the 14 democrats had escaped to a water park in neighbouring illinois , beyond the reach of wisconsin 's authorities .