- 腮腺多形性腺瘤区域性切除术与浅叶切除术的比较研究。
- Comparison of partial superficial parotidectomy and superficial parotidectomy in parotid pleomorphic adenoma .
- 这些发现证明幸福的人生应该是合群而充满深度交流的,而不是孤立和肤浅的。
- These findings suggest that the happy ife is social and conversationally deep rather than solitary and superficial .
- 不管这些电影采用了多少表面和装饰性的技巧来暗示一个特定的地点和时代,它们看起来似乎是脱离了时间和空间而存在的。
- No matter how many superficial and ornamental techniques these films employ to suggest a specific locality and moment in time they seem to exist outside space and time .