- 我母亲超级支持我。
- My mother was incredibly supportive .
- 布罗姆利法官问妈妈。
- Judge bromley asked my mother .
- 她长的像她妈妈。
- She takes after her mother .
- 为什么奶奶不去上社会网呢?
- Why doesn 't grandma social network ?
- 妈,外婆可没去过所有的国家。
- Mom , grandma did not go to every country .
- 去我外婆家,一次有趣的拜访。
- And there 's the funny visit to my grandma .
- 夜间护士可不是如此。
- Not so the night nurse .
- 你是有执照的护士吗?
- Are you a registered nurse ?
- 护士不相信我说的话。
- The nurse did not believe me .