- 伊朗近期已展示出自己有能力采取难以预知的行动,例如去年暗杀沙特驻美大使的离奇图谋。
- Iran has of late shown itself to be capable of unpredictable acts , such as last year 's mystifying plot to assassinate the saudi ambassador to the us .
- 早在2008年哈罗德品特因癌症去世之前,他就完全知道自己赢得了“高深莫测、沉默寡言、简洁、多刺、暴躁以及难以亲近”的名声。
- Well before he died of cancer in 2008 , harold pinter knew he had earned a reputation for being " enigmatic , taciturn , terse , prickly , explosive and forbidding " .
- 这艘高深莫测的货轮据称遭遇海盗劫持,然而不是在索马里波涛汹涌的外海,而是在风平浪静、风景幽雅的波罗的海欧盟水域。
- What exactly happened to the arctic sea , the enigmatic cargo ship allegedly seized by pirates , not off the wild coast of somalia but in the genteel eu waters of the baltic ?
- 解释利率与消费及通胀预期相互作用的模型相对缜密,但财政乘数高深莫测,以致于专家们无法就它何时是正面的(推动增长)、何时是负面的(减缓产出)达成共识。
- There are relatively rigorous models that explain the interaction of interest rates with consumption and inflation expectations but the fiscal multiplier is so enigmatic that experts cannot agree when it is positive ( pushes up growth ) or negative ( slows down output ) .