- 随着时间的流逝,你们将变得和谐共生,就像阴和阳。
- Then over time , your bond becomes symbiotic , like yin and yang .
- 杨先生激烈言论的后果由三件事值得引起关注。
- Three things are noteworthy about the fallout from mr yang 's rants .
- 家里人说,这是杨最后一次看精神卫生专业人士。
- Family members say that was mr. yang 's last encounter with a mental health professional .
- 说句实话,我并不是那么喜欢晒太阳或是完全置身于大自然中。
- Truth be told , I 'm not so fond of sunshine or being all out in nature .
- 这些法规也就是众所周知的阳光法。
- These regulations are commonly known as sunshine laws .
- 这张照片里的阳光是什么颜色的?
- What colour is the sunshine in this photo ?
- 密歇根湖在阳光下波光粼粼。
- Lake michigan shimmers in the sun .
- 腐肉将曝晒在阳光下。
- Carrion will lie in the sun .
- 我们坐在阳光下的一条长椅上。
- We sit on a bench in the sun .