- 防风正丁醇萃取物对大鼠血液流变学的影响。
- Effects of n-butanol extract of divaricate saposhnikovia ( saposhnikovia divaricata ) on blood rheology in rat .
- 防风正丁醇萃取物对大鼠血液流变学的影响。
- Effects of n-butanol extract of divaricate saposhnikovia ( saposhnikovia divaricata ) on blood rheology in rat .
- 这也是防风和功能持久憎水。
- It is also windproof and features lasting water repellency .
- 一旦blaisdell设计了可用的新型防风方案〔1934年中后期〕,他就意识到在贵金属特殊订单上提供的重要性。
- Once blaisdell established the viability of the new windproof design - [ mid-late 1934 ] - he knew the importance of offering them in precious metal on special order .
- 在中邦工厂的产品陈列室,各式烟具琳琅满目:防风打火机、皮质烟盒、时髦的烟缸、细长的烟嘴以及红木雕刻的烟斗。
- In the showroom at the zhongbang factory , the range of smoking accessories is vast : windproof lighters , leather cigarette packs , sleek ashtrays , slender cigarette holders and carved mahogany pipes .